
Lorna has extensive training in bodywork and somatic healing in order to bring you a diverse, inclusive healing experience. Her services are classified only as 60 and 90 minute sessions, so that your healing can be customized to your unique needs.


Myofascial Release

Fascia refers to the soft tissue component of connective tissue that permeates the entire body, forming a continuous, whole body, three dimensional matrix for structural support. Myofascial Release technique is a soft tissue manipulation technique designed to target muscles, in addition to the connective tissues associated with muscle release, in order to stretch and influence the orientation of fascia.

Indications: persistent pain that doesn't dissipate after rest or heat/ice therapy, tension headaches, poor joint mobility or range of motion, excessive pressure in muscles and/or joints, favoring or overuse of one side of the body, excessive pain in specific points of the body known as trigger points, chronic pain

Benefits: increases client self-awareness, restores normal muscle tone, restores joint range of motion, reduces pain, enhances blood and lymph circulation, decreases trigger point activity, breaks down adhesions, realigns scar tissue, improves posture, alters the influence of gravity (by restoring proper alignment), greater movement and pliability of the fascia

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

MLD is a light, skin-stretching massage that helps promote the movement of lymphatic fluid to relieve swelling and improve overall health. MLD is specifically focused on the lymph vessels to help any congestion interfering with the flow of lymphatic fluid. 

Indications: headaches, brain fog, swollen lymph nodes/tonsils, lack of energy, recurrent sore throat, mucous in the morning, mucous drainage, excessive fluid of the ear, ear popping/ringing, weakened immune system, bloating, swelling, heaviness of limbs, extremities falling asleep during rest, pain, pressure or stiffness along spine and shoulders, sore or swelling breasts during menstrual cycle, acne, dry and itchy skin

Benefits: strengthens immune system, reduces stress/anxiety/fatigue, improves skin health and texture, reduces migraines and chronic pain

Structural Integration

Structural integration systematically addresses the body as a whole, usually over a series of sessions. Skillful touch brings relief from pain and discomfort, and awareness of how you’re holding and using your body. Structural integration can enlighten how you relate with your body and environment, recognize patterns of tension that no longer serve you, and discover new options for movement, posture, self-care, and your overall physical experience. Rather than treating symptoms, SI practitioners work to help your body integrate internally between systems, and externally toward your life’s challenges.

Indications: chronic stiffness, compression from injury or surgery, held postures that inhibit fluid motion, pain caused by repetitive movement 

Benefits: immediate improvement of body balance and structure, improves posture alignment and flexibility

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy is a bodywork modality that relieves compression in the bones of the head, sacrum, and spinal column. CST uses gentle, non-invasive pressure on the head, neck, back, and pelvis to soothe pain and release both emotional and physical stress and tension. CST takes a holistic approach, combining mind-body connection practices including mindfulness, deep breathing and other relaxation techniques.  

The underlying belief behind CST is that the human body is capable of self-healing, given the right tools and circumstances. In addition to reducing pain and tension held in the body, CST can increase someone’s understanding of their own “inner energy” and healing potential. Gaining self-awareness of one’s own body and senses is considered to be an important part of staying in good health, since this allows someone to identify their body’s stress signals at an early stage in order to intervene.

Indications: migraines & headaches, insomnia, scoliosis, TMJ dysfunction, sinus dysfunction, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, PTST/CPTSD, ADD/ADHD, nervous system disorders, coordination impairments, neurodiversity

Benefits: promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety and depression, reduces muscle tension, pain alleviation, increases parasympathetic nervous system activity, decreases migraines and vascular headaches caused my chronic stress, improved immune system function, increases self and body awareness

Trauma Informed Bodywork

Trauma informed bodywork is a form of somatic bodywork that utilizes safe, gentle touch to gently unravel deeply held patterns of physical, mental & energetic tension that unprocessed trauma can create in the body. Trauma informed bodywork is a non-verbal relational framework in which to explore healthy boundaries, and appropriate trust/protective responses.

Indications: chronic pain, stress related health concerns, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, C/PTSD

Benefits: regulates physiological, neurological and emotional systems of the body through, relaxation, uncovers subconscious information and beliefs that contribute to long-standing symptoms, processes unexpressed emotional and physiological cycles

Healing Through Vagus Nerve Activation and Somatic Experiencing

Somatics is a field within bodywork and kinesiology which emphasizes internal physical perception and experience. Somatic bodywork is an approach to therapeutic healing that recognizes that a person’s physical, mental, emotional and psychological history is stored and manifested through the body. Somatics work through the body, as opposed to on or with the body to (re)discover who we are and to cultivate ways to empower the self to serve our greater goals and needs.

Indications: poor internal physical perception, dissociation, anxiety, depression, overwhelm, unexplained ailments and physical discomfort

Benefits: greater self awareness, re-connection to self and others, presence, ability to sense emotions in the body, reduce stress


First developed centuries ago, cupping is a form of alternative medicine in which a local suction is created on the skin with the application of cups in order to decompress muscles and connective tissue.

Indications: pain, inflammation, limb heaviness, arthritis, 

Benefits: promotes blood flow to the compromised area, enhances circulation, revolves metabolic waste and toxins, increase the body's own healing processes 

Swedish Bodywork

Swedish massage is a system of therapeutic, manual manipulations of the body’s soft tissues for the purpose of healing that is most commonly associated with “traditional” massage therapy.

Indications: poor circulation, muscle fatigue/soreness chronic inflammation, swelling and edema, fibromyalgia, stress related conditions including insomnia, fatigue, anxiety and depression

Benefits: enhances circulation, restores and maintains health and well-being, relaxes spastic muscles, increases joint range of motion, soothes nervous system, increases respiration, reduces swelling, removal of toxins/metabolic waste, enhances immune system. Research has also found that applied touch increases levels of endorphins, the body’s natural pain killer.

Sports/Rehabilitative Bodywork

Sports and rehabilitative bodywork is of the most effective forms of injury therapy for speeding up the healing process and preventing re-injury. Similar to Swedish bodywork, but the deeper pressure is beneficial in releasing chronic muscle tension, stress and overuse. The focus is on the deepest layers of muscle tissue, tendons and fascia focuses on muscles subjected to aggressive movement as a part of the overall sport, competition and exercise.

Indications: muscle soreness/stiffness, excess swelling due to injury, poor joint range-of-motion, repetitive stress injuries, recovering from surgery

Benefits: Improves circulation, maximizes the supply of nutrients and oxygen through increased blood flow, body restoration, shortens recovery time, prevents over-training, heals and prevents further injury, eliminates by-products of exercise

Thought Field Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique TAP Therapy

Thought Field Therapy (TFT) and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) are fringe psychological treatments that are said to heal a variety of mental and physical ailments through specialized “tapping” with the fingers at meridian points on the upper body and hands, while focusing attention on a specific emotion or problem. TAP therapies are derived from Chinese medicine’s belief in Chi as the life force that flows throughout the body, as well as applied kinesiology and physics, in order to send signals to the part of the brain that controls stress. 

Indications: C/PTSD, anxiety, depression, overwhelm, negative/intrusive thoughts, anger, guilt, OCD, chronic pain

Benefits: reduce the stress or negative emotion a given issue issue, overcome traumatic memories and thoughts, restore balance to disrupted energy

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is a type of psychotherapy that involves a combination of cognitive therapy, meditation, and the cultivation of a present-oriented, non-judgmental attitude called “mindfulness.” Mindfulness helps you observe and identify your feelings while cognitive therapy teaches you to interrupt automatic thought processes and work through feelings in a healthy way.

Indications: anxiety, depression, overwhelm, neurodiversity, food and eating issues, unhealthy habits, negative thoughts

Benefits: relieves symptoms of stress, mental health concerns and physical pain, furthers emotional healing, healthy habit building, thought clarity